I am a physician-scientist specializing in causal modeling within the realm of chronic disease epidemiology. In 2013, I received my M.D. from the University of Tokyo, and then in 2021, I earned my Ph.D. in Epidemiology from UCLA, following a period of practice as an endocrinologist. My long-term career goal is to reduce the global health burden imposed by chronic diseases, including but not limited to diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, and cardiovascular disease. To this end, I am focusing on developing robust methodological skills in epidemiology and statistics, with a particular emphasis on causal inference and machine learning. My aim is to leverage these skills to construct a strong evidence base for future clinical management and policy interventions concerning chronic diseases.

- Methodology/Biasesimageupdate on 13/12/2022
Inoue K, Ritz B, Arah OA. (2022). Causal Effect of Chronic Pain on Mortality through Opioid prescriptions: An Application of the Front-Door Formula. Epidemiology.33(4):572-580 Inoue K, Hase... - Machine Learningimageupdate on 13/12/2022
Machine Learning
Inoue K, Athey S, Tsugawa Y. (2023). Machine-learning-based high-benefit approach versus conventional high-risk approach in blood pressure management. Internation... - Generalizing/Transporting the resultsimageupdate on 24/03/2022
Generalizing/Transporting the results
Inoue K, Hsu W, Arah OA, Prosper A, Aberle D, Bui A. (2021). Generalizability and transportability of the results from randomized controlled trials: An example using the National Lung Screening ... - Identifying heterogeneityimageupdate on 24/03/2022
Identifying heterogeneity
Inoue K*, Athey S, Baicker K, Tsugawa Y. (2024) Heterogeneous effects of Medicaid coverage on cardiovascular risk factors: secondary analysis of randomized controlled trial. BMJ . ... - Identifying mechanismsimageupdate on 24/03/2022
Identifying mechanisms
<Causal Mediation Analysis> Inoue K, Goldwater D, Allison M, Seeman T, Watson K. (2020). Serum Aldosterone Concentration, Coronary Artery Calcium, and Mortality:The Multi-Ethnic Study of ...
2017-2021 | PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public Health, University of California Los Angeles |
2007-2013 | MD, Department of Medicine, University of Tokyo |
Work experience
2023 | Associate Professor, Kyoto University |
2021 | Assistant Professor, Kyoto University |
2020 | Graduate student researcher, UCLA |
2020-present | Epidemiology advisor, Ito Hospital, Tokyo, Japan |
2019 | Harvard Global Health Institute (Research internship) |
2018 | Graduate student researcher, UCLA |
2015-2017 | Senior resident in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Yokohama Rosai Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan |
2013-2015 | Junior resident in Internal Medicine, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan |
Teaching experience
2022 | Guest lecture at UCLA, STATISTICAL MODELING IN EPIDEMIOLOGY (EPI 212) (Lecture title: Generalization and Application of Front-door Formula) |
2022 | Special Seminar at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Lecture title: Generalized Form of Front-door Formula) |
2021-present | Guest lecture at Yale School of Public Health, Causal Inference Methods in Public Health Research (Lecture title: Introduction to Causal Mediation Analysis) |
2021-present | Several guest lectures at Kyoto University, Methods in social epidemiology (Lecture title: Introduction to Causal Inference, etc.) |
2021 | Special Seminar at the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology (Lecture title: Causal Modeling and Machine Learning in Clinical Epidemiology) |
2019 | Teaching Assistant for Epidemiology M204/ Statistics M243 (LOGIC, CAUSATION AND PROBABILITY), UCLA |
Contact & Link
Email: inoue.kosuke.2j [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp
Lab website: https://socepi.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/